Health & Beauty
- Axe
- Biotherm
- Calvin Klein
- Caress
- Clairol
- Crest
- Cutex
- Chanel
- Dove
- Ellen Tracy
- Max Factor
- Oil of Olay
- Ponds
- Vaseline
- Vera Wang
- Champion
- Family Britches
- Hanes
- Maidenform
- Oscar de la Renta
- Puritan
- Fairmont Hotels and Resorts
- Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
- Hilton Hotels
- Jumeirah Beach Hotel
- Kempinski Hoteliers
- MGM Resorts International
- American Broadcasting Company
- General Electric Company
- International Business Machines
- The Wall Street Journal
Food & Beverage
- Arnold Bread
- Bakers Coconut
- Bertolli
- Captain Morgans
- Cusinart
- Godiva Chocolatier
- Godiva Liqour
- Jello
- Success Rice
- The Coca Cola Company